„Fluid Spirit – In Reality at Home“ now available as audiobook

I am happy to announce that the audiobook “Fluid Spirit – In Reality at Home” is now available on various platforms.

Listen to it on:
📚 Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/ch/audiobook/fluid-spirit-in-reality-at-home/id1711674150

📚 Google Play Audiobooks: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/Danielle_H_Jolissaint_Fluid_Spirit_In_reality_at_h?id=AQAAAEDiK35rjM&hl=de_CH&gl=US

📚Audible: https://www.audible.de/search?keywords=fluid+spirit&k=fluid+spirit&crid=5564acc53d444399b8d832f60b53c708&sprefix=fluid+spirit%2Ceu-audible-de%2C133&i=eu-audible-de&url=search-alias%3Deu-audible-de&ref=nb_sb_noss

Dare to explore life and yourself and find your own way, and let “Fluid Spirit” captivate you.

We are delighted if you share your thoughts on the book with us.